Sub MAIN REM Check for attributes on. If on then turn them off. If none are REM enabled, then enter a user dialog to enable desired attributes. REM Set Flags. TRUE = 1 OFF = 0 Attribute = OFF REM Check for Bold, Italic and Underline, then Superscript or Subscript. If Bold() = TRUE Then Attribute = TRUE Bold OFF End If If Italic() = TRUE Then Attribute = TRUE Italic OFF End If If Underline() = TRUE Then Attribute = TRUE Underline OFF End If If SuperScript() = TRUE Then Attribute = TRUE Size = FontSize() FontSize(Size + 2) SuperScript OFF End If If SubScript() = TRUE Then Attribute = TRUE Size = FontSize() FontSize(Size + 2) SubScript OFF End If REM If symbol font is active, return to Tms Rmn If Font$() = "Symbol" Then Attribute = TRUE Font "Tms Rmn" End If REM If any attributes on, then exit without any user interaction. Otherwise REM open a dialog box to permit the user to select the appropriate attributes. If Attribute = OFF Then GetUserInput Else Print "Attributes returned to normal." End If End Sub REM Subroutine for user dialog bos. Sub GetUserInput TRUE = 1 OFF = 0 REM Setup dialog box Begin Dialog UserDialog 355, 120 Text 79, 2, 198, 12, "Select Text Attributes" Text 15, 17, 90, 12, "Attributes" CheckBox 20, 37, 54, 12, "Bol&d", .Bld CheckBox 20, 52, 81, 12, "&Italics", .Ital CheckBox 20, 67, 99, 12, "&Underline", .Under Text 117, 17, 54, 12, "Style" OptionGroup .Styl OptionButton 122, 37, 72, 12, "&Normal" OptionButton 122, 52, 117, 12, "Su&perscript" OptionButton 122, 67, 99, 12, "Su&bscript" Text 242, 17, 45, 12, "Font" OptionGroup .Fnt OptionButton 247, 37, 99, 12, "&Unchanged" OptionButton 247, 52, 81, 12, "&Tms Rmn" OptionButton 247, 67, 72, 12, "&Symbol" OKButton 86, 90, 64, 18 CancelButton 186, 90, 64, 18 End Dialog REM Do the interactions Dim dlg As Dialog UserDialog Dialog dlg REM Process the results If dlg.Bld = 1 Then Bold TRUE If dlg.Ital = 1 Then Italic TRUE If dlg.Under = 1 Then Underline TRUE SuperScript OFF SubScript OFF If dlg.styl > 0 Then If dlg.Styl = 1 Then Size = FontSize() FontSize(Size - 2) SuperScript TRUE Else Size = FontSize() FontSize(Size - 2) SubScript TRUE End If End If If dlg.Fnt > 0 Then If dlg.Fnt = 1 Then Font "Tms Rmn" Else Font "Symbol" End If End If End Sub